1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', dateadd, soundex(oldurl) AS soundex_value FROM #__sh404sef_urls where newu' at line 1 SQL=SELECT oldurl, newurl, id, rank, dateadd, soundex(oldurl) AS soundex_value FROM #__sh404sef_urls where newurl <> "" and rank = 0 AND oldurl not like '%vmchk%' AND newurl not like '%format=feed%' AND newurl not like '%format=pdf%' AND newurl not like '%print=1%' AND oldurl not like '%\_\_404\_\_%' AND ( soundex(oldurl) = soundex('about/company-news/novosti-mira-sistemnoy-integracii/nutanix-2015-gartner.html') OR oldurl like '%about%' OR oldurl like '%company%' OR oldurl like '%news%' OR oldurl like '%novosti%' OR oldurl like '%mira%' OR oldurl like '%sistemnoy%' OR oldurl like '%integracii%' OR oldurl like '%nutanix%' OR oldurl like '%2015%' OR oldurl like '%gartner%') GROUP BY oldurl limit 500

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You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', dateadd, soundex(oldurl) AS soundex_value FROM #__sh404sef_urls where newu' at line 1 SQL=SELECT oldurl, newurl, id, rank, dateadd, soundex(oldurl) AS soundex_value FROM #__sh404sef_urls where newurl <> "" and rank = 0 AND oldurl not like '%vmchk%' AND newurl not like '%format=feed%' AND newurl not like '%format=pdf%' AND newurl not like '%print=1%' AND oldurl not like '%\_\_404\_\_%' AND ( soundex(oldurl) = soundex('about/company-news/novosti-mira-sistemnoy-integracii/nutanix-2015-gartner.html') OR oldurl like '%about%' OR oldurl like '%company%' OR oldurl like '%news%' OR oldurl like '%novosti%' OR oldurl like '%mira%' OR oldurl like '%sistemnoy%' OR oldurl like '%integracii%' OR oldurl like '%nutanix%' OR oldurl like '%2015%' OR oldurl like '%gartner%') GROUP BY oldurl limit 500